The Airbase Industries ½” Heavy Duty Air Impact Wrench EATIW05S1P has the performance features you need to get the job done at home, in the shop, in the garage, or on the job-site.
Perfect for tackling all tough mechanics jobs from tire rotation to removing or tightening lugs even brake work.
Airbase Industries easily serviceable two-piece construction with lightweight aluminum alloy body and rugged solid steel front-end body construction offers a compact, lightweight design for comfort while delivering maximum wear and protection for continuous use.
The contoured sure-grip handle with full- stroke tease trigger throttle provides variable speed control along with greater comfort and smooth operation.
Adjustable power regulation allows for full power or variable power in either direction. Airbase Industries heavy duty twin hammer impact mechanism, rotor & anvil are CRMO steel and case hardened to deliver maximum torque, rugged durability and extended life.
Down-ward air exhaust port routes exhaust air away from the job and pressure fed lubrication system ensures smooth operation and reliable performance.
To back it’s design, Airbase Industries also offers the industry’s best product support with a Limited Lifetime Warranty on all Airbase Industries air tools !